Corn Salsa

When I want a sweeter salsa that’s not fruit-forward, I reach for corn. Corn is a great addition to salsa for the crunch, the bit of sweetness, and it’s really pretty! I also like to add black beans to my corn salsa to balance out the sugar with a bit of protein.

Corn salsa is a great staple for the condiment table at a summer grill-out. It’s fresh, sweet, and goes with everything. It’s a little more involved than many of the “chop it and eat it” recipes we tend to share on this blog, so bear with me. It is worth it!

  1. Fire up the grill and throw on a few ears of corn – leave on the husks for the first few minutes until it begins to char, then peel it and throw it back on until you get the color you like.
  2. Now recruit some kids to slice the corn off the cobs and throw in a bowl. Season as you like – I advise salt, pepper, lime juice, and a little chili powder.
  3. Now add the following:
    • ½ diced red onion
    • 1-2 large (diced) red tomatoes
    • 1 whole chopped serrano pepper (remove the seeds for less heat)
    • ¼ cup fresh diced cilantro
    • 1 cup black beans